Privacy Policy pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016

Pursuant to Art. 13 Legislative Decree. 196/2003 and EU Regulation 679/2016, we inform you that the processing of your personal data, even of a sensitive nature, is performed in accordance with your rights, your fundamental freedoms and in any case, in compliance with the minimum security measures required by law. We therefore provide you with the following information in accordance with the aforementioned legislation.

1. Purposes of processing

Data of a personal and sensitive nature in the possession of the Company will be processed exclusively for the purpose of correctly executing the sales contract between the parties and for the fulfilment of all obligations of an accounting, taxation or other nature, however provided for by law in relation thereto. Your data may also be processed in order to be able to offer you the best after-sales service, where necessary.

Finally, your data may be processed for marketing purposes, to:
a) send promotional material by email or other indicated channel;

b) conduct surveys and market research in anonymous form;

c) send customised promotional and marketing communications to registered users (communications about products that we believe will be of interest to the user based on our analysis of their purchases and information about their use of the web site, such as products viewed or placed in their shopping cart);

d) customise the content of the web site for marketing purposes (we show information on the web site about products that we believe will be of interest to
the user based on our analysis of their purchases and information about their browsing of the web site, such as products viewed or placed in their shopping cart);

e) perform analysis and statistical surveys to improve the commercial offer and services of the web site (i.e., to make use of the site easier and to improve their shopping experience);

2. Legal Basis for Processing

Processing is based on your express consent. If the data subject is party to a sales contract, processing is also based on the fulfilment of the obligations inherent therein, as well as on the fulfilment of the legal obligations to which the data controller is subject.

3. Source of data

Data may be collected from the person concerned.

4. Automated processes

Processing does not consist of any automated decision-making process. Insofar as may be necessary, please note that only customers who have given specific consent will be sent a newsletter about the company’s activities with the possibility to cancel it at any time.

5. Obligatory nature and consequences of refusal to provide data

The provision of data and the acquisition of consent, although optional, is a necessary requirement for the execution of the contract concluded between the parties or to allow them to benefit from specific commercial and promotional initiatives, as set out in point 1 above.

6. Method of Processing

Data may be processed and stored using both computerised and hard copy tools and may be organised in databases or archives, for the time strictly necessary for the purposes of collection. The data will be stored at Amazon web services; headquarters and Amazon web services cloud servers. Under no circumstances will user lists containing personal data be circulated, sold, transferred or leased to third parties.

7. Retention period

The aforementioned personal data will be included in the company’s archives and will remain there, in accordance with the terms of the law and, if applicable, until a request for amendment or deletion is made by the data subject/s. The Company stores and processes personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the stated purposes. Thereafter, personal data will be stored, and not processed further, for the time stipulated by the applicable civil and tax law provisions.

8. Data Recipients (Communication)

Data may be communicated, exclusively, to companies controlled by, controlling, affiliated with or in any case connected to the Data Controller, including outside the European Union, always for the same Processing purposes indicated in this information notice and in compliance with the same privacy policy. In particular, data may be communicated to: Officine Gullo INC and Officine Gullo LTD. In addition, data may be disclosed, solely for the purpose of the proper execution of the sales contract, to area agents selected on the basis of the customer’s residence or to assembly service providers in countries where this is provided for. Under no circumstances may the data be circulated.

9. Data Subject’s Rights

You may exercise your rights vis-à-vis the Data Controller at any time, pursuant to Art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and EU Regulation 679/2016, i.e. you have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-existence of personal data concerning you and to have access to it, verify its accuracy or request that it be supplemented, updated, or corrected. Pursuant to the same article, you also have the right to request the deletion, anonymisation or blocking of data processed in breach of the law, as well as to restrict or oppose, on legitimate grounds, the processing of data, by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by calling +39 055 656 0324.
Likewise, you may also revoke your consent at any time and request and obtain the portability of your data.

10. Complaint

You will also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority, in the manner and form provided for by law, in all cases in which you feel you are entitled to do so.

11. The Data Controller

Company Officine Gullo srl, with registered office at Via Della Torricella no. 29, Bagno a Ripoli (50012-FI), Contact details [email protected].

12. The Data Processors

Andrea Gullo and Pietro Gullo. Contact details [email protected].

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